UDGA(User Define Graph Algorithm)定义了一个图算法,例如SSSP(单源最短路径)和PageRank算法。
* Interface for the User Defined Graph Algorithm.
* @param <K> The id type for vertex.
* @param <M> The message type for message send between vertices.
public interface AlgorithmUserFunction<K, M> extends Serializable {
* Init method for the function
* @param context The runtime context.
* @param params The parameters for the function.
void init(AlgorithmRuntimeContext<K, M> context, Object[] params);
* Processing method for each vertex and the messages it received.
void process(RowVertex vertex, Iterator<M> messages);
* Returns the output type for the function.
StructType getOutputType();
public class PageRank implements AlgorithmUserFunction {
private AlgorithmRuntimeContext context;
private double alpha = 0.85;
private double convergence = 0.01;
private int iteration = 20;
public void init(AlgorithmRuntimeContext context, Object[] parameters) {
this.context = context;
if (parameters.length > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Only support zero or more arguments, false arguments "
+ "usage: func([alpha, [convergence, [max_iteration]]])");
if (parameters.length > 0) {
alpha = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(parameters[0]));
if (parameters.length > 1) {
convergence = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(parameters[1]));
if (parameters.length > 2) {
iteration = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(parameters[2]));
public void process(RowVertex vertex, Iterator messages) {
List<RowEdge> outEdges = new ArrayList<>(context.loadEdges(EdgeDirection.OUT));
if (context.getCurrentIterationId() == 1L) {
double initValue = 1.0;
sendMessageToNeighbors(outEdges, 1.0 / outEdges.size());
sendMessageToNeighbors(outEdges, -1.0);
} else if (context.getCurrentIterationId() <= iteration) {
double sum = 0.0;
while (messages.hasNext()) {
double input = (double) messages.next();
input = input > 0 ? input : 0.0;
sum += input;
double pr = (1 - alpha) + (sum * alpha);
double currentPr = (double) vertex.getValue().getField(0,
if (Math.abs(currentPr - pr) > convergence) {
sendMessageToNeighbors(outEdges, pr / outEdges.size());
sendMessageToNeighbors(outEdges, -1.0);
} else {
double currentPr = (double) vertex.getValue().getField(0,
context.take(ObjectRow.create(vertex.getId(), currentPr));
public StructType getOutputType() {
return new StructType(
new TableField("id", LongType.INSTANCE, false),
new TableField("pr", DoubleType.INSTANCE, false)
private void sendMessageToNeighbors(List<RowEdge> outEdges, Object message) {
for (RowEdge rowEdge : outEdges) {
context.sendMessage(rowEdge.getTargetId(), message);
CREATE Function my_page_rank AS 'com.antgroup.geaflow.dsl.udf.graph.PageRank';
INSERT INTO tbl_result
CALL my_page_rank(1) YIELD (vid, prValue)
RETURN vid, ROUND(prValue, 2)